2017年7月17日 星期一
iOS App 上架駁回
由於是藍牙產品,App 需要連線才能動作,所以審核員也會要求你將硬體寄送過去給 Apple
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
Thank you for your resubmission. We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need the associated hardware to fully assess your app features.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please send the necessary hardware/accessory to the address below.
NOTE: Please include your app name and app ID in the shipment; failure to provide this information can delay the review process.
Additionally, it may take several business days for us to receive the hardware once it has been delivered to Apple.
Apple, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop, M/S: 124-2APP
Cupertino, CA 95014
2017年7月13日 星期四
iOS App 發佈出現錯誤-ERROR ITMS-90086
iOS App 發佈出現底下錯誤…
ERROR ITMS-90086: "Missing 64-bit support. iOS apps submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK or later. We recommend using the default "Standard Architectures" build setting for "Architectures" in Xcode, to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit support."
試了很久才總算 OK(上架真麻煩),但仍不知真正原因所在,記錄一下過程,應該多少有幫助…
有使用 CocoaPods 的話檢查一下專案(包含自己的及Pods的) signing 及 target 設定是否有錯,並記得 pod update 一下
檢查一下 Architectures 是否有錯,建議使用 Standard architectures
檢查一下 Valid Architectures 是否有錯,需包含 arm64
試試看 Bulid Settings 中 Enable bitcode 設為 No 是否有效
另外 iOS 10 以後,存取使用者私密資料 privacy-sensitive data 都要加上 usage description string,使用藍牙之類的週邊裝置也要加上相應的,不能留空白。
文章 (Atom)
VirtualBox 空間減肥
sdelete64 -z c: VBoxManage modifymedium disk "/Users/fellow/VirtualBox VMs/Win10/Win10.vdi" --compact *.vdi 路徑可以在 VirtualBox 儲...